Elendil Voronda

Elendil Voronda
The Last Alliance of Men and Elves.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Praying for Syria

I do not profess to have an in-depth knowledge of the conflict in Syria, if truth be told it was only brought to my attention this week, when during a long trip across the Irish Sea, I had to endure two hours of Sky News. I am glad however, that I paid attention to the news, for my heart was greatly moved by the images that I saw on the news report. It was shocking to say the least, we who are comfortable tend not to be worried by the conflicts in foreign lands, but I am reminded of a saying that my grandmother would often exclaim, in relation to bad things happening to other people, "There but by the grace of God go I", and how right she was. For it is very easy for us, in our comfortable houses, our relatively peaceful society, to become complaisant about such things.

When I beheld a group of Syrian Women, and their children, on the news, hiding in a basement, terrified for their lives, whilst above them, Syrian government troops shelled the city of Homs, my heart was grieved, for the violence and destruction, inflicted on innocent people. Therefore, I could do the only thing within my power to do, to pray for a resolution to the Syrian crisis, to pray for the women, the children, the sick, the dying, the casualties, the orphaned, and for all those people, that somehow have become caught in a bloody vicious war, that was not of their own creation.

If you to feel compelled to pray, I suggest that you incorporate a prayer for Syria in your morning and evening prayers, perhaps when you come to praying for the peace of the world.


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