Sunday 19th February 2012
10.45 a.m. Sung Eucharist
Celebrant: Rev'd Moria Paterson
Sermon: The Right Rev'd Dr. Bob Gillies
Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney
Voluntary: Adagio (Sonata I), BWV 525 - J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Processional Hymn: 234, "Christ, whose glory fills the skies"
Kyrie: Lottie in B flat
Gloria: John Merbecke (1510-1585)
Collet: Father in heaven,
whose Son Jesus Christ was wonderfully transfigured
before chosen witnesses upon the holy mountain,
and spoke of the exodus he would accomplish at Jerusalem:
give is strength so to hear his voice and bear our cross
that in the world to come we may see him as he is;
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
First Reading: II Kings 2.1-12 "Elijah Taken Up to Heaven"
Psalm: 50 vv 1-6, Ch 144
The Lord even the most mighty / God hath / spoken : and called the world, from
the rising up of the sun unto the / going / down there / of.
Out / of / Sion / hath God ap / peared : in / perfect / beauty.
Our God shall come and shall / not keep / silence : there shall go before him a
consuming fire, and a mighty tempest shall be / stirred up / round a / bout him.
He shall call the heaven / from a / bove : and the earth that / he may / judge his /
Gather my saints together / unto / me : those that have made a / covenant with / me
with / sacrifice.
And the heavens shall de / clare his / righteousness : for / God is / Judge him / self.
Gloria is sung.
Second Reading: II Corinthians 4.3-6 "Treasures in Jars of Clay"
Gradual Hymn: 389 "Jesus these eyes have never seen"
Choir sings "Alleluia" acclamation and congregation joins in response "Alleluia"
Gospel: Mark 9.2-9 "The Transfiguration"
Sermon: Bishop Bob Gillies
The Creed, Intercessions, The Peace
Offertory Hymn: 178 "Tis Good, Lord, to be here!"
Eucharistic Prayer
Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei: Lotti in B flat
Motet: O nata Lux - Mason
Post Communion Hymn: 177 "Christ, upon the montain peak"
Voluntary: Allabreve, BWV 589 - J.S. Bach
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