O almighty God,
who in thy providence didst choose thy servant Patrick
to be the apostle of the Irish people,
that he might bring those
who were wandering in darkness and error
to the true light and knowledge of thee;
Grant us to walk in that light,
that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life;
through the merits of Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord.
Post Communion
Hear us, most merciful God,
for that part of the Church
which through your servant Patrick you planted in our land;
that it may hold fast the faith entrusted to the saints
and in the end bear much fruit to eternal life:
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(From the Book of Common Prayer, Church of Ireland, 2004)
O GOD, who for the preaching of Glory
unto the heathen was pleased to
send forth blessed Patrick,
thy Confessor and Bishop:
grant by his merits and intercession;
that we may through thy mercy be enabled to accomplish
what thou commandest us to do.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(From the English Missal for the Laity, 1958)
Deus, qui ad praedicandam gentibus
gloriam tuam beatum Patricium
Confessorem atque Pontificem,
mittere dignatus es:
ejus meritis et intercessione concede: ut,
quae nobis agenda praecipis, te miserante
adimplere possimus.
(From the Roman Missal for the Laity, 1931)
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